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- Instructions for install E-Mail programs in Mosaic ....Freely distributables.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- First, You MUST copy supplied programs Putmail, Putmail.prg, Getmail, Getmail.prg,
- Editor, Sendmail, Newmail, Waittask, to your AmiTCP:bin directory, so You can access them directly.
- (You can simply copy the directory amitcp/bin supplied in this archive).
- Pay much attention to not overwrite existing ones if You have some.
- (Putmail.prg and Getmail.prg are 68020/AmiTCPv4 versions;
- You can take the 68000 versions from aminet/comm/tcp: PutMail3.lha, GetMail3.lha)
- Second: You MUST edit the amitcp:bin/Editor file that You have copied, to change the line:
- amitcp:bin/waittask "CygnusEd ver. 3.5+"
- putting here the TASK name of your preferred Editor, because if You use an editor that
- runs asyncronous from CLI (like that the cursor reappears on your line command when You launch it from CLI)
- this command line waits for the task finished (It's a MUST for Mosaic).
- How You can see, in this text, I used CygnusEd like example.
- To obtain the taskname of your editor You can use one of public domain
- programs as ARTM, TASKLIST or similar. (N.B. TASK name is not SCREEN name).
- You can use original OS3.0 ED instead, and then You can delete this line because ED
- is not asyncronous from CLI. (I think... I not tried it !?).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Third, You MUST edit the AmiTCP:bin/Putmail file to put in it the name of your mailbox and you E-Mail Host.
- So, modify this line:
- amitcp:bin/putmail.prg MAIL {FILE} TO {TO} SMTPHOST YourE-MAILhost HOME ram:home REPLYTO YourAddressComplete NOSIG NOHEAD
- -------------- -------- -------------------
- Example (see also putmail.doc for more informations):
- Change YourE-MAILhost with mail.aaa.it
- -------------- -----------
- to tell to putmail that Your mailbox is on the mail server: mail.aaa.it.
- Change ram:home with ram:blabla
- -------- ----------
- if ram:blabla is the name of your HOME directory (used by putmail & getmail).
- The best thing is to put the line 'makedir ram:home' in your user-startup.
- (Never USE 'setenv HOME ram:home' because Mosaic will crash loading first gif image !!).
- Change YourAddressComplete with user@mail.aaa.it
- ------------------- ----------------
- specifying Your E-Mail Address (where the others must send the replies).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You must do the same thing editing the file AmiTCP:bin/Getmail and specifying:
- YourPassword to access to E-Mail of Your mailbox.
- ------------
- YourE-MailAddressFull and YourE-MailHost to tell to the program from where it must take the mail.
- --------------------- --------------
- Please, refer to getmail.doc for more informations.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now You must add few lines to Your ENVARC:mosaic/prefs file:
- Sendmail amitcp:bin/sendmail
- Editor amitcp:bin/editor
- RexxMacro1 Add to Hotlist | "ADDRESS COMMAND 'RUN <>NIL: AMITCP:AMHotlist QUICKADD'"
- RexxMacro2 Hotlist... | "ADDRESS COMMAND 'RUN <>NIL: AMITCP:AMHotlist'"
- RexxMacro3 Get Mail | "ADDRESS COMMAND 'RUN <>NIL: amitcp:bin/getmail'"
- RexxMacro4 Edit New Mail | "ADDRESS COMMAND 'amitcp:bin/newmail'"
- RexxMacro5 Send New Mail | "ADDRESS COMMAND 'amitcp:bin/sendmail'"
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ensure that Your AmiTCP:bin/startnet or Your user-startup includes the line:
- setenv USER YourUserName
- (to tell to Putmail & Getmail who sends the E-Mail).
- And ensure also obviously that:
- - Your preferred Ed is in Your c: directory or change the lines invoking it
- in the files: AmiTCP:bin/Editor and AmiTCP:bin/Newmail.
- - 'More' program is in your sys:utilities directory or change the line in AmiTCP:bin/getmail.
- - Getmail, Putmail, Newmail, Editor batch files have 's' flag turned on or issue from CLI the commands:
- cd amitcp:bin
- protect getmail srwed
- protect putmail srwed
- protect newmail srwed
- protect editor srwed
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now installation is complete !!!
- Reset Your machine to automatic install new mosaic prefs file in ENV: .
- From the Mosaic, to read arrived E-Mail, select 'Get Mail' from the Rexx Menu,
- and read incoming messages, (if there is some).
- From the Mosaic, to send E-Mail to someone simply click on his address
- and You will enter to Your Ed, write something, or quit if You don't want,
- and this message will be send to the address You clicked on. (That's great!!!)
- From the Mosaic, to write new message select 'Edit New Mail' from the Rexx menu,
- edit a Mail, writing in the first line, after the keyword 'To: ', the complete
- E-Mail address You want to send to; in the other lines write your mail,
- then save & quit (maintaining the same name: T:mail.out).
- To send this message select 'Send New Mail' from the Rexx menu.
- N.B. Remember that You MUST activate REXX before run Mosaic.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You can use 'Getmail' and 'Putmail' commands also from CLI typing:
- Getmail .....to read arrived E-Mail from the rest of world.
- Putmail ram:blabla to someone .....to send the ASCII file ram:blabla to user: someone
- ---------- -------
- Or You can edit and send new mail typing from CLI:
- Newmail .....to edit the E-Mail
- Sendmail .....to send the E-Mail
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I wrote waittask, newmail, sendmail programs so if You have some trouble, send me an E-Mail.
- I will see If I can solve Your problem.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks to Martin Lanza for great programs that I renamed Getmail.prg and Putmail.prg
- downloading them from Aminet.
- Thanks also to the Amiga for being the best computer forever.... (Fuck PCs!!)
- Fabio Caruso
- E-Mail Address: fabioc@mbox.vol.it